11:33 AM

Day Three - Weight Loss Journey

It is Saturday, the day before Mother's Day...

I am craving my father's hamburgers and my mother's potato salad. I have already had two shakes today and will have another one soon. The really tough part is watching and smelling all of this food being prepared and having to prepare my husband's plate. Normally he would make his own plate, but he injured his wrist and is in a splint for four weeks - so I have to step up and be a wife and take care of him. I feel like a heroin addict going through detox. Food is an addiction to me! I feel like I'm having the shakes, and my nostrils go insane as the smell of food brushes by, taunting me...

I will get through this. I am going to have to stay away from family functions at least three weeks. People say that it takes three weeks to form a habit... if I can pass through the first week and on into the third I know I can do this.

Note to self:

"Patience. Breathe in - (not the food) - and think about what you will look like in 6 weeks."